Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Guna
Computer Science & Engineering Department
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Faculty-Computer Science & Engineering

Prof. Vipin Tyagi

Dean (A&R)
Highest Qualification : Ph.D.
Email: vipin.tyagi@juet.ac.in
Contact: Ext. - 104

Prof. Sanjay Garg

Dean (I&R) & HOD
Highest Qualification : Ph.D.
Email: sanjay.garg@juet.ac.in
Contact: Ext. - 107

Prof. Mahesh Kumar

Dr. Mahesh Kumar@JUET Guna
Professor & COE
Highest Qualification : Ph.D.
Email: mahesh.kumar@juet.ac.in
Contact: Ext. - 141

Dr. Prateek Pandey

Dr. Prateek Pandey@JUET Guna
Associate Professor
Highest Qualification : Ph.D.
Email: prateek.pandey@juet.ac.in
Contact: Ext. - 135

Dr. Rahul Pachauri

Dr. Rahul Pachauri@JUET Guna
Associate Professor
Highest Qualification : Ph.D.
Email: rahul.pachauri@juet.ac.in
Contact: Ext. - 126

Dr. Amit Kumar

Dr. Amit Kumar@JUET Guna
Assistant Professor (SG)
Highest Qualification : Ph.D.
Email: amit.kumar@juet.ac.in
Contact: Ext. - 192

Dr. Dinesh Kumar Verma

Dr. Dinesh Verma@JUET Guna
Assistant Professor (SG)
Highest Qualification : Ph.D.
Email: dinesh.verma@juet.ac.in
Contact: Ext. - 175

Dr. Ajay Kumar

Dr. Ajay Kumar@JUET Guna
Assistant Professor (SG)
Highest Qualification : Ph.D.
Email: ajay.kumar@juet.ac.in
Contact: Ext. - 175

Dr. Amit Kumar Srivastava

Mr. Amit Kumar Srivastava
Assistant Professor (SG)
Highest Qualification : Ph.D.
Contact: Ext. - 188

Dr. P.S. Banerjee

Mr. P.S. Banerjee@JUET Guna
Assistant Professor (SG)
Highest Qualification : Ph.D.
Email: partha.banerjee@juet.ac.in
Contact: Ext. - 126

Dr. Kunj Bihari Meena

Mr. Kunj Bihari Meena@JUET Guna
Assistant Professor (SG)
Highest Qualification : Ph.D.
Email: kunjbihari.meena@juet.ac.in
Contact: Ext. - 175

Dr. Gaurav Saxena

Mr. Gaurav Saxena@JUET Guna
Assistant Professor (SG)
Highest Qualification : Ph.D.
Email: gaurav.saxena@juet.ac.in
Contact: Ext. - 126

Dr. Sunakshi Singh

Assistant Professor (SG)
Highest Qualification : Ph.D.
Email: sunakshi.singh@juet.ac.in
Contact: Ext. - 367
Brief Profile

Mr. Navaljeet Singh Arora

Assistant Professor (G-II)
Highest Qualification : M.Tech.
Email: navaljeet.singh@juet.ac.in
Contact: Ext. - 117

Mr. Manik Gandotra

Assistant Professor
Highest Qualification : M.Tech.
Email: manik.g@juet.ac.in
Contact: Ext. - 117

Mr. Vikas Raghuwanshi

Assistant Professor
Highest Qualification : M.Tech.
Email: vikas.raghuwanshi@juet.ac.in
Contact: Ext. - 117






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Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, A-B Road, Raghogarh, Distt. - Guna (M.P.), PIN - 473226, INDIA